Record Information

: New Center/Institute
: Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Technology
: Conditional approval
: The Board of Regents postponed action on the proposal to establish a Center for Workforce Excellence and granted conditional approval of a Center for Advanced Manufacturing & Technology at Delgado Community College, with a request/proposal for continued designation as a Center, or for initial CWE designation, by June 1, 2016.
: 2/23/2015 12:00:00 AM
: Delgado Community College

Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)

A request/proposal for continued designation as a Center, or for initial CWE designation, is due by June 1, 2016. The BoR granted continued approval of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing & Technology, through June 1, 2018; 10/11/2018 - BoR staff granted Delgado an extension on reauthorization until December 2018 as requested by the Chancellor; 2.27.2019 - BoR granted continued authorization of the Center for five years. A request for reauthorization is due 7.1.2023.
Request for Additional Authorization
7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM