New Acad. Program
MS in Systems Technology
Conditional approval
The Board of Regents granted conditional approval of the Master of Science in Systems Technology (CIP Code 15.0503) at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The campus shall submit a progress report on program implementation and enrollment by January 1, 2015.
12/5/2013 12:00:00 AM
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)
The campus shall submit a progress report on program implementation and enrollment data by January 1, 2015; 2015/01/12: The Board of Regents received and accepted the 2014 progress report. A subsequent report shall be due by January 1, 2016; 01.06.2016: The Board of Regents received and accepted the 2015 progress report. A subsequent report is requested by January 1, 2017; 02.24.2017: The Board of Regents received and accepted the progress report, with a subsequent report requested by January 1, 2018; 01.08.2018: The BoR received and accepted the progress report. A subsequent report is requested by January 1, 2019; 1.14.2019 - BoR received and accepted a progress report. No further reporting is required due to meeting the 3-year average minimum threshold of graduates along with strong program enrollment.
1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM