Record Information

: Conditionally Maintained Program
: AAS Entertainment Technologies
: Conditional approval
: On motion of Regent Roy, seconded by Regent D’Aquin, the Board voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee to grant conditional approval for the proposed A.A.S. program in Entertainment Technologies (CIP Code 50.0602)at Baton Rouge Community College. By August 1, 2007, the College shall submit a progress report to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs addressing: 1. Plans for faculty hires and assignments; 2. Development of a strategy to address in timely fashion program learning resource needs; and 3. A more complete picture of anticipated program funding. Assuming that this report provides appropriate information and remedies, the Associate Commissioner may authorize program implementation beginning Fall 2007. Thereafter, this matter shall be considered in full at the anticipated August 22, 2007 meeting of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee. It is possible that the Committee may authorize additional progress reports at that time; 12/12/2018 - BoR staff approved changing the program CIP from 50.0602 to 50.0102 to reflect curriculum updates.
: 6/28/2007 12:00:00 AM
: Baton Rouge Community College

Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)

08/22/2007: On motion of Regent Roy, seconded by Regent D'Aquin, the Board voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee to authorize immediate implementation of the A.A.S. program in Entertainment Technologies at Baton Rouge Community College. Beginning August 1, 2008, the College shall submit to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs an annual report updating progress toward full program development and funding, as described in the College’s August, 2007 report. 2008/09/25: Receive the AY 2007-2008 Progress Report from Baton Rouge Community College Relative to Implementation of the Associate of Applied Science in Entertainment Technologies. As previously recommended, a subsequent report addressing the program’s full development, including adequacy of resources for the program, projected course rotation schedules with faculty assignment for AY 2009-10 and placement of graduates, shall be due to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs by August 1, 2009. 2009/06/25: Receive the June 2009 progress report relative to implementation of the A.A.S. program in Entertainment Technologies at Baton Rouge Community College. A subsequent progress report, addressing previously mandated items and comments in the staff summary, shall be due to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs by June 1, 2010. 2010/06/02: Receive June 2009 progress report (addressing program enrollees and completers) for the A.A.S. in Entertainment Technologies – full program approval granted.
6/2/2010 12:00:00 AM