Record Information

: New Acad. Program
: BS Business Administration
: Approval
: On motion of Regent Roy, seconded by Regent Brame, the Board voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee to grant conditional approval for the proposed B.S. program in Business Administration (CIP Code 52.0201) at Louisiana State University-Alexandria, with the following stipulations: 1. During AY 2007-2008, the University shall aggressively recruit new and/or replacement faculty with an anticipated hire date of Fall 2008, as recommended by external consultants. The University shall also use this year to address other consultants’ recommendations and suggestions to the fullest extent possible, especially those that relate to AACSB program accreditation requirements 2. By May 1, 2008, the University shall submit to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs a progress report which fully addresses all requirements of #1 above, including a revised, corrected 5-year budget which fully accounts for all program revenues and expenditures. The staff shall immediately assess the contents of this progress report and make a recommendation regarding eventual program implementation. Assuming sufficient progress has been made, program implementation is anticipated for Fall 2008. 3. Depending on the contents of the May 1, 2008 progress report, it is possible that additional stipulations or requirements may be imposed to ensure appropriate program development.STAFF NOTE: BACHELOR OF LIBERAL STUDIES (BUSINESS MAJOR) IS HEREBY TERMINATEDDue to the strength and stability of the program no further reporting is required beyond updates on progress toward accreditation.
: 8/1/2007 12:00:00 AM
: L.S.U. at Alexandria

Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)

2008/06/26: The Board of Regents received the May, 2008 progress report from Louisiana State University-Alexandria relative to continuing development of its B.S. in Business Administration program. Based on the contents of this report, the University is hereby authorized to begin program implementation in Fall, 2008. Beginning June 1, 2009, and annually on that date thereafter until attainment of AACSB accreditation, the University shall report continuing efforts of the University to strengthen the program appropriately. 2009/06/25: The Board of Regents received the AY 2008-2009 progress report from Louisiana State University-Alexandria relative to continuing development of its B.S. in Business Administration program. By June 1, 2010, the University shall report continuing efforts of the University to strengthen the program and progress toward AACSB accreditation. The Board of Regents accepted the June 2010 progress report (August 2010 meeting) from LSU at Alexandria relative to the implementation and development of the B.S. program in Business Administration. A progress report is due December 1, 2011, updating the Board on progress toward specialized programmatic accreditation by AACSB. 01/25/2012 The Board of Regents accepted the 2011 progress report. A subsequent progress report providing an update on AACSB accreditation is due by December 31, 2012. 2013/01/23: Board of Regents received the 2012 progrress report. A subsequent report addressing the pursuit of specialized accreditation shall be due by December 31, 2013. 2014/02/17: Board of Regents accepted the progress report received in mid-January 2014. A subsequent progress report is requested by December 31, 2014. 2015/01/12: The Board of Regents received and accepted the 2014 progress report. A subsequent report is requested by December 31, 2015. 02.22.2016 The Board of Regents received and accepted the progress report. A subsequent report is requested by December 31, 2016. 2016/01/12: Due to the strength and stability of the program no further reporting is required beyond updates on progress toward accreditation.
12/31/2016 12:00:00 AM