Record Information

: Continued Authorization
: Center for Information Assurance
: Approval
: On motion of Regent Roy, seconded by Regent Klein, the Academic and Student Affairs Committee unanimously recommended that the Board of Regents grant conditional approval for the proposed Center for Information Assurance at Louisiana Tech University for a period of one year, effective immediately. As required by Board of Regents’ Academic Affairs Guidelines: Proposed New Centers, Institutes, and Other Academic/Research Units, Louisiana Tech shall submit to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs a proposal for full approval of this Center by December 1, 2008. This proposal should provide more explicit details regarding Center operations and include future budgets that will meet Regents’ expectations for predominantly external support. If this proposal is not forthcoming by this date, the Board of Regents shall re-examine the need for the Center.
: 8/22/2018 12:00:00 AM
: Louisiana Tech University

Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)

2009/01/22: The Board of Regents granted continued approval for the Center for Information Assurance at Louisiana Tech University through December 1, 2009. Prior to that date, the University shall submit a request for full center approval with evidence of continuing external support and other measures of potential long-term success. 2010/02/25: The Board of Regents granted continued approval for the Center for Information Assurance at Louisiana Tech University through June 30, 2013. Prior to the date of expiration, a request for reauthorization of center status (using Form C) will be due. Annual progress reports (due June 30, 2011 and 2012) are due addressing unit accomplishments and complete budgets noting external funding secured and related unit costs. 2011/10/26 The Board of Regents accepted the 2011 progress report with the 2012 progress report due by June 20 as originally requested. 05/23/2012: The Board of Regents received the 2012 progress report and noted that the Center should be commended for the designation recently bestowed. No further reporting is necessary. A request for reauthorizaton of center status is due by June 30, 2013. 2013/08/21: The Board of Regents granted reauthorization of the Center for an additional five years. A request for reauthorization shall be due by June 30, 2018; The Board of Regents approved continued authorization of the Center for Information Assurance on August 22, 2018, for a period of five years. A request for reauthorization is due by July 1, 2023.
Request for Additional Authorization
7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM