Record Information

: New Acad. Program
: BS Nursing
: Conditional approval
: On motion of Regent Roy, seconded by Regent Klock, the Board of Regents voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee to grant conditional approval for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (CIP Code 51.1601) at Louisiana State University at Alexandria, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Implementation of the program shall be delayed until evidence of the hiring of an additional doctorally-qualified, full-time faculty member has been provided to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs. The University projects such hiring by August, 2008. 2. Beginning December 31, 2008, and annually on that date thereafter until the BSN program has achieved NLNAC accreditation, a progress report which addresses external consultant concerns shall be submitted to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs.
: 1/24/2008 12:00:00 AM
: L.S.U. at Alexandria

Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)

2009/01/22: The Board of Regents received the December 2008 Report from Louisiana State University-Alexandria Relative to Implementation of the B.S. program in Nursing. A subsequent progress report, addressing concerns as expressed in the staff summary above, shall be due to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs by December 1, 2009. 2010/01/28: The Board of Regents received the 2009 progress report from Louisiana State University-Alexandria relative to implementation and accreditation of the B.S. program in Nursing. The next progress report is due January 1, 2011, and will address student enrollment, student completion, placement of graduates, and the status of NLNAC accreditation. 02.23.2011: The Board of Regents accepted the 2010 Progress Report. A subsequent report is due by December 1, 2011 addressing student enrollment, student completion, placement of graduates and the status of NLNAC accreditation. 01/25/2012 The Board of Regents accepted the 2011 progress report. Full approval was granted to the program. No further reporting is necessary.
1/25/2012 12:00:00 AM