Record Information

: New Acad. Program
: BS Athletic Training Science
: Conditional approval
: The Board of Regents granted conditional approval for the proposed B. S. program in Athletic Training Science (CIP Code 51.0913) at Nicholls State University, with the following stipulations: 1. By August 1, 2008, a Progress Report shall be due to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs addressing the need for one additional appropriately credentialed full-time faculty. With staff acceptance of the report, implementation of the program will be authorized; 2. By August 1, 2009, a Progress Report shall be due to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs addressing the need for a part-time administrative assistant; and 3. By August 1, 2010, a Progress Report shall be due to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs addressing the need for a second additional appropriately credentialed faculty full time faculty. This report shall also address the status of CAATE accreditation. Depending on the content of this report, additional reporting may be required.
: 4/24/2008 12:00:00 AM
: Nicholls State University

Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)

2008/09/25: The Board of Regents received the August, 2008 Progress Report from Nicholls State University relative to implementation of the Bachelor of Science program in Athletic Training Science. Based on the contents of this report, the following stipulations shall apply: 1. By January 15, 2009, a progress report shall be due to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs providing evidence of an active job search for an additional FTE faculty to be hired by Fall, 2009. 2. By August 1, 2009, a second progress report shall be due to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs addressing: a. Assessment of need for a second, new FTE faculty; b. Assessment of need for an administrative assistant; and c. Progress toward successful attainment of CAATE accreditation. 3. The program title shall hereby be changed to B.S. in Athletic Training. 2009/03/26: The Board of Regents received the January 2009 Report from Nicholls State University relative to implementation of the B.S. Program in Athletic Training. To determine more definitely the need for additional resources to support this program adequately, the staff further recommends that the Committee and full Board await the results of a pending CAATE accreditation visit before enforcing previous stipulations. The Board of Regents accepted the August 2010 progress report (August 2010 meeting) from Nicholls State University relative to the implementation and development of the B.S. program in Athletic Training Science. A progress report is due no later than September 1, 2011, updating the Board on program enrollments and completers. 2011/08/24 BoR accepted the 2011 progress report. An annual report is due by September 1, 2012, updating the Board on program enrollments and completers. 2012/08/22: Board of Regents received the 2012 progreaa report. The next annual report is due by August 1, 2013 at which time the institution should report on enrollment and completers. 2013.08.21: The Board of Regents received the 2013 progress report. A subsequent report addressing all previous items shall be due by August 1, 2014. 08.27.2014: The Board of Regents received and accepted the 2014 progress report. No further reporting is necessary.
8/1/2014 12:00:00 AM