Record Information

: New Acad. Option
: MSN Nurse Educator Option
: Conditional approval
: The Board of Regents granted conditional approval for the Nurse Educator Option (CIP Code 51.1699) in the M.S. program in Nursing at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans, effective immediately. Further, the Adult Health and Illness Option (CIP Code 51.1603) in the M.S. program in Nursing at LSUHSC-NO is hereby terminated, effective immediately. Beginning August 1, 2009 and annually on that date until otherwise directed, the LSUHSC-NO shall submit a progress report to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs documenting numbers of Nurse Educator option enrollees/graduates, the placement of these graduates, and progress toward CCNE accreditation.
: 8/28/2008 12:00:00 AM
: L.S.U. Health Sciences Center - NO

Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)

2009/10/22: The Board of Regents received the October 2009 progress report from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at New Orleans relative to implementation and development of the Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) degree program with a Nurse Educator option. Per Regents’ action of August 2008, a subsequent progress report shall be submitted to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs by August 1, 2010, addressing the following: 1. Numbers of program enrollees and graduates and placement information for graduates; and 2. Official notification of CCNE accreditation. 2010.07.04: Based on July 2010 progress report - full program approval was granted by the Board of Regents
7/4/2010 12:00:00 AM