Record Information

: New Acad. Program
: BS Sport Administration
: Conditional approval
: The Board of Regents granted conditional approval for the Bachelor of Science in Sport Administration (CIP Code 31.0504) at Louisiana State University and A&M College, effective Spring 2009. Beginning December 1, 2009, and annually on that date until accreditation by COSMA has been achieved, the University shall submit a progress report to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs detailing: 1. Numbers of students and graduates; 2. Adequacy of faculty and resources; and 3. Progress toward COSMA accreditation. Because of possible duplication concerns between this proposed program and the existing B.S. program in Sports Management at Southeastern Louisiana University (SLU), both universities are hereby directed to meet and formulate a plan for cooperation in course and program delivery and content that compliments both programs and mitigates curricular overlap. A report documenting the efforts of both universities in this regard shall be due to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs by March 15, 2009. In addition to these efforts, the staff shall monitor student enrollment /graduation/placement in both programs to determine whether south Louisiana can maintain two such similar programs at adequate levels of student participation and production.
: 9/24/2008 12:00:00 AM
: L.S.U. A&M College

Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)

2009/04/23: The Board of Regents received the March 2009 progress report relative to the implementation of the B.S. in Sport Administration at LSU and A&M College. As previously stipulated, the next report shall be due December 1, 2009, addressing: 1. Numbers of students and graduates; 2. Adequacy of faculty and resources; and 3. Progress toward COSMA accreditation; and 4. Ongoing efforts toward collaboration with the B.S. in Sport Management at Southeastern Louisiana University. 2010/01/28: The Board of Regents received the 2009 progress report from Louisiana State University and A&M College relative to implementation and accreditation of the B.S. program in Sport Administration. The next progress report, addressing previously required items and the placement of program graduates, is due January 1, 2011. 2011. 02.23.2011: The Board of Regents accepted the January 2011 Progress Report. A subsequent report is due by January 1, 2012 addressing the following: student enrollment, student completers, placement of student completers, and progress toward accreditation. 01/25/2012 The Board of Regents accepted the 2012 progress report. A subsequent report addressing the same items previously reported shall be due by January 1, 2013. 2013/02/23: Board of Regents received the most recent progress report. A subsequent report addressing all previously items noted shall be due by January 1, 2014. 2014/01/22: The Board of Regents received the 2013 progress report. A subsequent report is due by January 1, 2015. 2015/01/12: The Board of Regents received and accepted the 2014 progress report. A subsequent report is requested by January 1, 2016. 02.22.2016 The Board of Regents received and accepted the progress report. A subsequent report is requested by January 1, 2017. 02.24.2018: The BoR received and accepted the progress report. A subsequent report is requested by Jan 1, 2018, unless the campus receives notification of accreditation prior to that date, at which time no further reporting is required. 10.26.17: The BoR received and accepted the accreditation report. No additional reporting required.
1/1/2018 12:00:00 AM