Record Information

: New Acad. Program
: Master of Physician Assistant Studies
: Conditional approval
: The Board of Regents granted conditional approval for the Master of Physician Assistant Studies program (CIP Code 51.0912) at the LSU Health Sciences Center at New Orleans. Prior to implementation (anticipated for January 2011), the Health Sciences Center must submit a progress report documenting: 1. The hiring of appropriately credentialed additional full-time faculty; 2. Achievement of provisional accreditation with authorization for admission of students by the Accreditation Review Commission for Physicians Assistants; 3. The anticipated impact on existing faculty and other resources. Thereafter, beginning January 1, 2011, and annually on that date until conditions of approval have been fulfilled, the Health Sciences Center must submit a progress report documenting: 1. A projected balanced budget for the program; 2. Plans to balance resources to mitigate impact of implementation of the PA program on existing programs; 3. Status of ARC-PA accreditation; and 4. Number of enrollees, completers, and placement of graduates.
: 6/24/2010 12:00:00 AM
: L.S.U. Health Sciences Center - NO

Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)

Prior to implementation (anticipated for January 2011), the Health Sciences Center must submit a progress report documenting: 1. The hiring of appropriately credentialed additional full-time faculty; 2. Achievement of provisional accreditation with authorization for admission of students by the Accreditation Review Commission for Physicians Assistants; 3. The anticipated impact on existing faculty and other resources. 05.26.2011 - Board of Regents accepted 2011 progress report. An annual report is due by January 1, 2012 addressing: (1) a projected balanced budget for the programs; (2) plans to balance resources to mitigate impact of implementation of the PA program on existing programs; (3) status of ARC-PA accreditation; and (4) numbers of enrollees, completers and placement of graduates. 03.20.2013: Board of Regents received the progress report submitted by the campus in January 2013. The Board of Regents received and accepted the progress report submitted by the campus in January 2013. A subsequent report addressing all previous items shall be due by January 1, 2014. 2014/02/22: The Board of Regents received and accepted the progress report submitted by the campys. A subsequent report on enrollment and completer data is requested by January 1, 2015. 03.25.2015 The Board of Regents received and accepted the 2014 progress report. A subsequent report is requested by January 1, 2016. 2015/12/10: The Board of Regents accepted and received the 2015 progress report. A subsequent report is due by January 1, 2017. On 1/9/17 BoR approved the report and determined that due to the strength and stability of the program no further reporting is required beyond update on accreditation status.
1/1/2017 12:00:00 AM