Record Information

: New Acad. Program
: AAS in Veterinary Technology
: Approval
: The Board of Regents granted conditional approval for the Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Veterinary Technology (CIP Code 51.0808) at Baton Rouge Community College (BRCC). Prior to implementation, BRCC must submit a progress report documenting the hiring of an appropriately credentialed full-time faculty member to serve as program director. On September 1, 2011, BRCC will update the board on faculty staffing for the program, student enrollment, and progress in securing specialized programmatic accreditation by the AVMA.
: 8/25/2010 12:00:00 AM
: Baton Rouge Community College

Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)

By September 1, 2011, BRCC will update the board on faculty staffing for the program, student enrollment, and progress in securing specialized programmatic accreditation by the AVMA. 2011/09/22: Board of Regents accepted the 2011 progress report. Approval for program implementation was granted. A progress report is due by September 1, 2012 addressing student enrollment and progress made toward AVMA accreditation. 2012/09/27 Board of regents received the 2012 progress report. A subsequent report shall be due by September 1, 2013. 2013/09/26: The Board of Regents received and accepted the 2013 progress report. No additional reporting is necessary since the program continues to expand and AVMA CVTEA accreditation has been achieved.
9/1/2013 12:00:00 AM