Louisiana Board of Regents
Division Of Academic & Student Affairs
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Request Type
: Termination
: Center for Advanced Materials
Board Action
: Approval
Action Text
: The Board of Regents granted conditional approval for the proposed Center for Advanced Materials at Louisiana State University and A&M College for a period of one year, effective immediately. As required by the Board of Regents Academic Affairs Guidelines: Proposed New Centers, Institutes, and other Academic/Research Units, LSU shall submit to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs a proposal for full approval of the Center by March 1, 2009. In particular, this proposal shall provide for future external funding of the Center.As required by the Board of Regents Academic Affairs Guidelines: Proposed New Centers, Institutes, and other Academic/Research Units, LSU shall submit to the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs a proposal for full approval of the Center by March 1, 2009. In particular, this proposal shall provide for future external funding of the Center. 08.25.2010 Board of Regents terminated the Center for Advanced Materials per the request of the campus. The Board of Regents approved the termination of the Center for Advanced Materials at Louisiana State University and A&M College, effective immediately.
Action Date
: 8/25/2010 12:00:00 AM
: L.S.U. A&M College
Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)