New Acad. Program
BA Art and Design (formerly BA Art)
1.9.2020 - Board approved the request from LSU A&M to establish a BA in Art. A progress report on program implementation is due July 1, 2021. 6/15/2022 - Name changed to BA Art and Design.
1/9/2020 12:00:00 AM
L.S.U. A&M College
Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)
1.9.2020 - Board approved the proposed BA Art. A progress report on program implementation is due 7.1.2021; 2/23/2022 - Board received and accepted the report. A subsequent report, including updates on accreditation, facility renovations, and continued monitoring of BFA vs BA enrollment, is due 7/1/2023. 9/21/2022 - Board accepted progress report as part of Academic Planning process. Next report is due 10/1/2023; 9/20/2023 - Board received and accepted the report as part of the annual academic planning process. The program has demonstrated satisfactory growth and evidence of sustainability. No further reporting is required.
10/1/2023 12:00:00 AM