New Center/Institute
Center for Evidence-Based Practice in Behavioral Health
6.19.2019 - Board approved conditional one-year authorization of the Center for Evidence Based Practice in Behavioral Health. A request for full authorization is due July 1, 2020.
6/19/2019 12:00:00 AM
L.S.U. Health Sciences Center - NO
Conditions, Subsequent Action(s)
6.19.2019 - Board granted one-year conditional approval of the Center for Evidence-based Practice at LSU HSC-NO. A request for full authorization is due July 1, 2020; 12/16/2020 - Board granted full authorization of the Center for three years. The request for reauthorization, due 8/1/2023, must include information on efforts to expand revenue sources beyond the Louisiana OBH contract and demonstrate longer-term financial viability.
Request for Additional Authorization
8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM